1. Will this immunotherapy treatment cure my cancer?
No, since to date there is no curative treatment for cancer, however, Immunotherapy favors the arrest of the progression or the speed of growth of the tumor, at the same time it is a treatment that does not destroy my other cells. of the body.
2. Is this treatment covered by my medical insurance?
No, since the authority classifies it as research treatments.
3. What happens if they take 200 ml of blood from me, will it cause anemia?
No, since 200 ml is less than half the blood volume of a normal donation, in addition to the fact that at the end of taking the sample the volume will be replaced with physiological serum so as not to alter the circulation of cancer patients. who are more weakened.
4. Is this therapy effective? Since they are my own cells and in theory it gave me cancer, why was my immune system not able to control or eliminate it?
If it is effective since the human immune system is capable of responding and eliminating tumor cells, infected or affected cells; The appearance of cancer is multifactorial and one of those factors is that the tumor cells “escape” the immune system either because they grow very quickly, or because they release proteins or substances that simulate being normal cells, thus deceiving the lymphocytes. This is known as the tumor microenvironment.
5. I am not at risk of tumor cells being activated when they obtain all my blood?
No, since in the laboratory we use magnetic beads specifically designated and designed to isolate specific cells such as monocytes, lymphocytes, NK cells, eliminating 100% of the tumor cells that are contained in the sample.
6. How do you get my tumor cells from the blood?
The technique is with immunomagnets, so it is essential that patients have an established diagnosis by pathology, since from that diagnosis in the laboratory we select which magnetic beads will be used according to their type of cancer.
7. Is immunotherapy indicated for all tumors and for all stages of the disease?
Yes, since the immune system responds in the same way to all types of tumors, the difference is the signal that we will give to the cells in the laboratory, and this signal will depend on the type of tumor of each patient. Mostly patients were treated in advanced stages (stage IV) with acceptable results, therefore in the less late stages a better response would be expected.
8. Why do I have to evaluate the response to therapy for up to 3 months?
Because cell therapy is not as fast as a drug or radiation would act; First the immune system must be activated, then these cells that were activated must penetrate the tumors or metastases, then cell destruction begins, once there is dead tissue it is necessary for other larger cells to arrive (macrophages). They are responsible for “cleaning” the destroyed tissue, and if we perform radiological studies or tumor markers, we run the risk of seeing a false result, since it may seem that the tumor grew or that the tumor marker increased, but the truth is is that tumors grow due to the infiltration of these immune cells and because the destruction of the tumor or tissue can release tumor marker, for this reason it is most appropriate to wait 10 to 12 weeks.
9. How many patients have you treated with this therapy?
The laboratory has 11 years of experience in the production of autologous cellular immunotherapy; The doctors on the staff who will assist you have more than 12 years of experience treating patients with cancer and immunotherapy.
10. Why are dendritic cells applied to the inguinal region?
When dendritic cells are applied systemically, that is, intravenously, they transform into veiled cells. This transformation favors their remaining longer in the liver or being trapped in the spleen, thus reducing their possibility of remaining in the lymph node that It is where physiologically the presentation of the peptide or antigen to the lymphocytes takes place. The inguinal region in the arm in the deltoid region are the places that have been shown to have faster access to the lymph nodes located in the groin and armpits, thus ensuring the activation of lymphocytes.
11. Why are two types of antigens, peptides or “signals” used?
The objective of the combination of peptides is to increase the immune response, in a good number of patients the primitive antigens disappeared or were transformed with the chemotherapy or radiotherapy treatments they previously received, so if we combine peptides or primitive antigens such as Synthetic, with current peptides or antigens (that is, mutated by treatments) that are obtained from circulating tumor cells at the time of therapy, we cover both signal possibilities, thus increasing the clinical response.
12. Do you use products for clinical use in the manufacturing of vaccines?
Yes, we use GMP grade products, in addition to not using culture media of animal origin, we enrich the patients’ serum with albumin, glutamine, etc. to use it as a culture medium, thus avoiding the abnormal transformation of the cells.
13. What is the CTC?
The CTC (Circulating Tumor Cell) are the tumor cells that are circulating at the time the sample is taken, they are selected and separated with immunomagnets in a very selective way, their count has prognostic value worldwide, since it is a parameter that they have standardized to have a more objective measurement of survival. It is important to take into account that CTC is a reflection of metastatic disease or tumor activity; sometimes the parameter may be low, but it may have localized activity or vice versa.
14. Which patients are NOT candidates for these therapies?
15. What are the relative contraindications of Immunotherapy?
Relative contraindications can be modified by the doctor before receiving therapy,
In most cases these are nutraceutical products such as turmeric, Vit D3, Resveratrol, Omega 3, echinacea and leatril. These types of supplements can be restarted 14 days after receiving therapy, and everything will depend on the medical evaluation.
16. Should I have any treatment after Immunotherapy?
The program doctor will analyze which supplements are the best for your medical condition, as well as will be responsible for modifying your current therapy. Generally, patients continue with natural supplements.
17. What information do I need to send so that I can be evaluated if I am a candidate?
18. What KPS scale is accepted for receiving immunotherapy?
Since the program is aimed at outpatients, who will spend the night in the hotel, and will have a doctor available if necessary, the patients who are candidates to receive Immunotherapy in this style of program are KPS, 100, 90, 80 and a consideration those of 60% score.
Advanced Medical Solutions for Cancer and Autoimmune Diseases with Personalized Care and Cutting-Edge Therapies.
Cantera 462, Playas de Tijuana, 22504 Tijuana, B.C. Mexico
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